Welcome to fall, peoples! Thought I’d do a little update and let everyone know what’s been going on.
So, we’re 3 months into actual business of selling our ‘Ship Kits and I have to say I’m very happy with how things are going. Of course, millions of sales already would be great but I’m pleased with the sales we have and also the variety of questions we’ve been able to answer for families searching for money for higher education.
Earlier this week I got to do my first speaking engagement for high school seniors who are preparing for the world of college and financial aid. It was great to get to talk face to face with a group that desperately needs to get organized quick so they’re ready for college in just a few months. I also got to speak with the high school counselors and got some very valuable insight from them.
Other than setting up speaking engagements we applied for Top Tank Topeka which is a take off of Shark Tank. We should know in the next month or so if we made it through the first round of cuts and actually get to present ‘Ships Ahoy to some investors. If we get to do that, I’ll definitely be spreading the word far and wide and tell everyone about the process.
That’s really all for now. Just remember if you know anyone that has a special someone getting ready for college and think they could use a little organizational help in applying for scholarships, please pass our name and info around. Thanks so much and have a happy scholarship season!